4 Ways to Build Business Success; Part One: People & Education
By: Stacy Spahle
Date: 06 / 07 / 2020
Date: 06 / 07 / 2020
Business gurus taut a lot of “programs” and “new tactics” to improve business results. As the Pandemic Crisis lingers, it is clear that business owners need to focus on fundamentals and build solid foundations for success. It isn’t about experimenting with gimmicks or high-priced programs; it is about leveraging basic business basics with practical solutions.
Businesses have four areas where they can apply strategic tactics to improve results. Defining, refining and implementing small improvements within these four categories can lead to massive results. Finding a “magic pill” is not only a fool’s errand, it often leads to more frustration.
The four areas of focus are;
This four-part blog will outline areas which any business owner can leverage, improve and expand upon to make truly lasting results. The first of these is PEOPLE & EDUCATION.
Effective and highly-functional teams are a crucial element for any business’ success. Whether you have a small operation or a large company, the people who are doing the daily work can be leveraged to achieve higher results. Something as simple as having clear and concise job descriptions, conducting on-going team training, and communicating a mission, vision and company culture/values helps the people in the organization find direction and purpose. There are 20 specific ways to affect change in this area.
Each of these strategies requires some work, but the benefits of having process and procedures that keep your team’s skills and knowledge growing means you can leverage them to get bigger and better results. Expanding your knowledge base as an owner, helps you stay ahead of the competition. The investment you make in your people, your most valuable assets, will get you a great return on investment.
“As a leader, directing and delegating may come naturally, but listening has become a lost art. Perhaps it’s because we’re all running in high gear, productivity is paramount, and we simply don’t take the time to slow down and truly hear what’s going on around us” (Schwantes, 2020). Developing a team and your leadership skills further can pay great dividends.
In his recent article for Inc.com, Marcel Schwantes, Founder and Chief Human Officer of Leadership From the Core, outlines areas that leaders need to continue to develop to ensure success. These leadership improvements dovetail directly into efforts and actions you want to take with your teams.
Now is the great time to establish new systems. The “new normal” will require you to change many processes within your business. Making sure your employees and team have an updated road map is critical to your success. Sweeping change without explanation or training will backfire and set you back further. Strike while the iron is hot and start making meaningful change. It may seem like a daunting task and if your venture into the work without guidance or expertise you will find the journey riddled with obstacles that might derail your progress.
Consider hiring a certified professional business coach to guide you through the process. Yes, hiring a coach is an expense, but keep in mind that this coach will help you make the most of all four leverage areas. This is not a short-term exercise. You have to commit. There is some much to learn and explore, having a business coach will ensure you stay on track long-term.
Stay tuned for Part Two: Delivery and Distribution coming soon.
ActionCOACH has been helping businesses for more than 25 years and focuses clients on implementing logical and easy to apply systems and processes. To learn more about ActionCOACH or to schedule a complimentary Coaching Session click here.