“You never fail until you stop trying” – Albert Einstein
As this “dumpster fire” of the year grinds to an end, many business owners are searching for inspiration for the new year. If your business wants to make real change and change its trajectory, consider actually sticking to some New Year’s Resolutions.
A new year serves as a reset for those who found 2020 so challenging. But like most resolutions what can you do to ensure the ones you set; you stick too?
Get a business coach to hold you accountable. Find an objective business professional to help you maintain a healthy and profitable work-life balance. A business coach isn’t there to give you a laundry list of to do’s they are there to help you reach the goals and objectives you set without excuses.
Visit actioncoach.com to get your first complementary coaching session.
As the largest and most successful Business Coaching organization in the world, ActionCOACH serves more than 18,000 businesses weekly. Whether in intensive, private one-on-one coaching sessions or in group coaching meetings, a certified ActionCOACH will provide you the expertise to help you make real change in your business, from top to bottom.
What kinds of resolutions should you consider? Here are few to start your brainstorming for your business.
Resolve to.
- Delegate More Effectively
- Create a Consistent Content Strategy
- Establish Systems and Process for Key Performance Areas
- Improve your Communication Strategy
- Hold Monthly Training Sessions
- Leverage Technology to Simplify Your Business
- Establish a Committee to Lead your Charitable Efforts
- Update all your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for Key Results Areas
- Ensure the Members of Your Team are All in the Right Seat
Once you have created resolutions for the business, consider these to elevate your leadership skills.
- Take a seminar or webinar and learn something new you can apply in your business
- Calendar time for yourself to reset and refocus regularly
- Vow to break a bad habit, like working through lunch or answering emails after 10pm
- Learn to let things go, learn from setbacks don’t let them derail you
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Ultimately whether the resolutions are for the business as a whole or just for your personal development, it is critical you stick to them to make the new year better than the last. So…start with the WHY in mind. Why do you want to make the improvements or change? What do you hope will change with these resolutions? Visualize the outcome and make the goals realistic, relevant, and attainable. That doesn’t mean you don’t push yourself or your team, but it does mean you aren’t focused on “pie in the sky” ideas that will never really happen or make a difference in your business.
Write down your goals. Make the viable and visual.
Set milestones and deadlines you can measure.
Update your team regularly with progress and setbacks.
Forget the bad days and keep moving forward.
Schedule activities to force you and your team to drive toward the results you want until the behavior becomes a habit.
If 2020 has taught us anything is that change happens in an instant. Twelve months from now you can be celebrating the victories you have achieved. But you must start today. You can’t procrastinate because the next big crisis is coming. We don’t know what form it will take, but we know that since change is constant, as business leaders we must be ready for anything.
“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” — Gregory S. Williams
Whether you are facing steep challenges or experiencing dramatic declines, remember it is what you do next that can spell success or failure. So, strap in, and get ready for the next rollercoaster ride. 2021, here we come!
Reason #1: Different styles and methods of business coaching don't work for everyone
It's important to be honest with yourself and conduct a realistic assessment when it comes to business coaching. Though business coaching can have many benefits, it might not work for everyone.
Every individual brings their own experiences and values to the coaching dynamic, so results will vary. Additionally, some individuals might need more than just a coach. They might also need specialised knowledge or communication strategies specific to their industry or target audience. Below are a few key factors to consider:
Reason #2: There is no clear focus or vision (talk about time dedication here too)
cIt's important to be honest with yourself and conduct a realistic assessment when it comes to business coaching. Though business coaching can have many benefits, it might not work for everyone.
Business coaching is an effective tool for developing a clearer focus and vision for growing your business. A good coach will help you to take a comprehensive look at your strengths, weaknesses, and available resources that can be used to reach those goals. They will also help you draw up action plans with step-by-step instructions to get there.
By providing honest feedback and being patient throughout the process, a business coach can make sure that you’re on the right track. This will enable you to set realistic milestones and tasks.
These tasks may need dedicated time outside of coaching sessions. For example, a coach might help a client develop a marketing strategy or implement new systems for managing employees. However, if the client does not have enough time to devote to these tasks outside of coaching sessions, progress will likely stall.
Both the coach and the client must have enough time available to reflect on past experiences, brainstorm new solutions, and test out different strategies. If either party is rushed or distracted during coaching sessions due to other commitments or obligations, they may struggle to fully engage in this process.
Effective business coaching also requires a commitment to regular meetings and ongoing communication. If either the coach or the client does not have enough time to dedicate to these meetings, progress may be slow or nonexistent.
It's important to recognise that business coaching is an ongoing process that takes time to yield results. While some clients may see improvements after just a few sessions with their coach. Others may need months or even years of consistent effort before they begin seeing real changes in their businesses.