
Service A Grade Customers and Sack the C and D Graders - ActionCOACH

Written by Admin | Nov 1, 2024 11:01:23 AM

It is crucial for a business owner to know his best and worst customers, thereby concentrating on servicing those ‘A’ grade customers that bring in the majority of business.

Only Service ‘A’ Grade Customers:

It has often been said that 80 percent of a companies’ sales come from 20 percent of their customers. An ‘A’ grade customer will usually spend more money and be less of a  hassle than other customers.

By providing exceptional service for those people who want to do business with you, will encourage them to keep coming back.

Here are some useful hints and tips on servicing ‘A’ Grade customers:

  • Know who your best customers are.
  • Treat them like royalty every time.
  • Think of them in terms of lifetime value.
  • Offer gifts and rewards for continued patronage, and encourage them to bring their friends.

Sack ‘C’ & ‘D’ Grade Customers:

Send a letter to any customers that you don’t want to do business with. These customers are normally the most demanding of your time, hassle you on price and then consistently make late payments. They usually don’t need any encouragement to bring their ‘C’ and ‘D’ grade friends.

In your letter, politely and simply outline the minimum standards that you expect from your clients. This way they can either tow the line or go elsewhere.

Here are some useful hints and tips on sacking ‘C’ and ‘D’ Grade customers in the right manner:

  • Don’t say “go away”, but make it clear what you are prepared to accept and what you aren’t. They should get the message.
  • Remember that any customer isn’t necessarily a good customer. Some actually cost you money, and worse, take your focus from the ‘A’ graders.

About ActionCOACH

Brad Sugars founded the brand Action International in 1993 when he realized there was a disconnect between business advice and implementation. The answer was Action! Brad Sugars created a business coaching company so that business owners throughout the world can realize their goals in business. Today the company is known as ActionCOACH. To learn more about business, visit Brad Sugars Review blog!