Seven Signs You Should Become An Entrepreneur

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Maybe you’re thinking about taking the leap into entrepreneurship, but you’re just not sure if you’re cut out to be a business owner. Maybe you’re not sure the reality of business ownership would add up to the image in your mind. But, trust, if you have the following qualities and you DON’T take the leap, you’re missing your calling.

1. You focus on the big picture.

Entrepreneurs can dream big. They see possibility where others might see obstacles.

2. You’re hungry for success the moment your feet hit the floor in the mornings.

Entrepreneurs wake up with an itch to create value, build things and achieve their goals.

3. You read until you feel like your eyes might fall out of your skull.

You have to learn before you earn. It’s a real thing.

4. You’re comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Enough said.

5. You aren’t afraid to fail.

You will stumble. It’s a fact. If you can make peace with that fact you’ve already won half of the battle.

6. You don’t care if you’re liked.

Entrepreneurs know they will be forced to make tough decisions. Those decisions may ruffle some feathers. You can’t become successful without making some enemies, even inadvertently. Entrepreneurs understand this reality.

7. You require direction or validation.

Entrepreneurs are autonomous.  Entrepreneurs don’t require a boss. They are self-starters.

Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster ride sometimes troubled by a faulty safety apparatus. You have to learn to problem solve on the fly and be determined to succeed. But deciding to become an entrepreneur is really the scariest part of the process and the biggest leap. You now know that you have what it takes. So, jump.