Will Talking About the Problems Help Change the World?
We currently live in a world that has been upended by the fear of Covid and a host of other problems. Every time we turn on the TV or listen to the radio, we learn about another problem that we may or may not have known existed. In fact, there seems to be no end to the opportunities available to create or identify, blame, or point fingers at the easiest targets. And yet our biggest problems are still with us and have been for millenniums. It makes you wonder just how helpful it’s been to keep talking about them.
Could there be a better approach? At ActionCOACH Foundation, we think we have one. It’s based on the ActionCOACH Success Formula.
- Identify the Core Problem(s)
First and foremost, yes, we need to call out the problem. But let’s not stop there. Let’s go deeper to determine the core CAUSE of the problem. Only then do we stand a chance of alleviating it. We must ask the hard questions and give brutally honest answers to find where the system is breaking down.
- Focus on the Desired Outcome (the Dream or Vision)
Next, it’s necessary to change the dialogue from focusing on what we DON’T WANT to envisioning WHAT IT IS WE WANT. Since 2012, I have practiced Ayurvedic medicine. As an energy worker, I fully appreciate the importance of clarifying the destination, the vision if you will. And I also understand the danger of focusing too intently on the problem, thereby attracting the very outcome we don’t want. Taking the time to dream, brainstorm and clarify the desired outcome, what paradise looks like, is the best way to arrive there. The human brain and the universe need clear, tangible cues.
- Create a Solution (the Plan and Goals)
Now that we know what is causing the problem and where we want to go, we need to think seriously and creatively about HOW to get there. How can we solve the problem? This is not the time to skip corners. We need to invest ample time to do the research, weigh all opinions and seek actionable answers. Nor is it the time to throw more money at the problem to magically make it go away. In my experience, throwing more money at a problem when you don’t have a plan to address the real cause tends to create more problems than it solves. Instead, this is the time to get very clear on the long paths and the small steps that will ultimately lead to a successful solution.
- Take Action
Once we have the plan in place, it’s time for action. Nothing gets done without it…no matter how clear the dream or the plan.
This, in my opinion, is a better approach to addressing the world’s problems. And it’s why I came to work for ActionCOACH Foundation last November. You see, I believe we can make the world a better place to live by solving some of the problems plaguing mankind. And while there is a time and place for giving, charity alone will never resolve the problems that the world is facing. I believe the sustainable answer involves more…it involves education and self-empowerment.
Take a look at the 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs that the world leaders of a U.N. Summit in 2015 identified to address the world’s leading challenges. Ending poverty tops the list.
- End poverty
- End hunger and improve nutrition and sustainable agriculture
- Promote wellbeing for all ages
- Ensure equitable and quality education
- Achieve gender equality
- Ensure water and sanitation for all
- Ensure access to modern energy for all
- Promote sustainable economic growth and productive employment
- Build resilient and innovative infrastructure
- Reduce inequality
- Make settlements safe, resilient and sustainable
- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- Take urgent action to combat climate change
- Conserve and sustainably use Earth’s water
- Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and forests, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss
- Promote peaceful societies, provide access to justice and build effective, accountable institutions
- Implement and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
When I review this list, it becomes clear to me that providing business education is THE best solution to most of the world’s problems. After all, access to education elevates people. Proven business education inspires people to launch businesses. Entrepreneurs are the ones who typically drive the economy, helping to foster wealth and abundance through jobs and increased supply and demand. And they are typically the most motivated problem-solvers and innovators…to combat the other problems on the list.
Inspiring the next generation to flex their entrepreneurial spirit and teaching them how to be successful at it, ActionCOACH Foundation is empowering future leaders. The Foundation also supports pro bono business coaching for nonprofit leadership, which dramatically improves the impact charitable organizations make on their communities now and into the future.
I appreciate how the vision of ActionCOACH Foundation to “Ignite the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Youth Worldwide” and the ActionCOACH vision of “World Abundance Through Business Re-education” clearly encapsulates the destination these 17 goals.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can stop talking about the world’s problems and help in solving them in the most impactful way possible, visit actioncoachfoundation.org and get involved. ActionCOACH Foundation is all about purposeful action because that’s how we change the world.
ActionCOACH Foundation was founded by Brad Sugars in 2018 to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in youth worldwide by providing free business education to young adults and nonprofit leadership. Learn more at ActionCOACHFoundation.org.
ActionCOACH is the largest and most successful business coaching franchise in the world. With more than 27 years of experience, ActionCOACH has more than 1,000 coaches operating in more than 70 countries who work with more than 18,000 business just like yours every day. Learn more today. Actioncoach.com.
Karen Callahan is the Program Coordinator for ActionCOACH Foundation (photo attached). Link name to the Leadership page: https://actioncoachfoundation.org/board/
Reason #1: Different styles and methods of business coaching don't work for everyone
It's important to be honest with yourself and conduct a realistic assessment when it comes to business coaching. Though business coaching can have many benefits, it might not work for everyone.
Every individual brings their own experiences and values to the coaching dynamic, so results will vary. Additionally, some individuals might need more than just a coach. They might also need specialised knowledge or communication strategies specific to their industry or target audience. Below are a few key factors to consider:
Reason #2: There is no clear focus or vision (talk about time dedication here too)
cIt's important to be honest with yourself and conduct a realistic assessment when it comes to business coaching. Though business coaching can have many benefits, it might not work for everyone.
Business coaching is an effective tool for developing a clearer focus and vision for growing your business. A good coach will help you to take a comprehensive look at your strengths, weaknesses, and available resources that can be used to reach those goals. They will also help you draw up action plans with step-by-step instructions to get there.
By providing honest feedback and being patient throughout the process, a business coach can make sure that you’re on the right track. This will enable you to set realistic milestones and tasks.
These tasks may need dedicated time outside of coaching sessions. For example, a coach might help a client develop a marketing strategy or implement new systems for managing employees. However, if the client does not have enough time to devote to these tasks outside of coaching sessions, progress will likely stall.
Both the coach and the client must have enough time available to reflect on past experiences, brainstorm new solutions, and test out different strategies. If either party is rushed or distracted during coaching sessions due to other commitments or obligations, they may struggle to fully engage in this process.
Effective business coaching also requires a commitment to regular meetings and ongoing communication. If either the coach or the client does not have enough time to dedicate to these meetings, progress may be slow or nonexistent.
It's important to recognise that business coaching is an ongoing process that takes time to yield results. While some clients may see improvements after just a few sessions with their coach. Others may need months or even years of consistent effort before they begin seeing real changes in their businesses.