Event Global Post 5

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Don't let the fear of change hold you back

AChange is hard. We get it. Scepticism can deter you from fulfilling your potential. But you're stuck, you're sacrificing your personal time in order to grow your business and trying to keep control of the operations. What's the alternative? Here's what can happen if you don't make a change:

  • Your business stops growing
  • You fail to keep control of your business
  • Loosing out on precious family time
  • Worried about your finances
  • Feeling frustrated with your business

Meet the Team

Quam nulla porttitor, massa neq, aliquam vestibulum

Lesley Tims
Lesley Tims
Lesley Tims
Don't take it from us

Business Coaching can make your dreams possible...

Business coaching has changed my personal life, my business life, my mindset, my confidence, everything. I was struggling to reach my turnover target and never felt like I had enough staff to keep up with demand. My coach has helped me systemise my business, eliminate my staffing issues, and allowed me to think big for the future.

Barbara Ikin, Business Owner, Partridge Lakes

Since working with Action Coach, Jo Maltby of Willow Brooke Day Nursery has seen gross profits increase from 750K to 1.1M! With the help of tools and strategies from ActionCOACH she has been able to hire 29 new team members and significantly reduce her working hours to prioritise family time.

Jo Maltby, Managing Director, Willow Brooke Day Nursery

I was skeptical at first but the effect it's had on the business has been exceptional. Our coach helped us structure our company from top to bottom in a more efficient way so we could survive the pandemic. We're now looking at expanding internationally which we would have never been able to do before starting with ActionCOACH.

Raed Hamandi, Business Owner, Bonham & Brook

Fergus Howie has been working with his ActionCOACH for over 6 years. In that time, they have had a 360% increase in their net profit and on top of that become an award-winning business, winning several awards for the quality of their products. With the help of his coach, he has been able to spend more time working on his personal life developing his own life goals.

Fergus Howie, Business Owner, Wicks Manor Farm

Getting ActionCOACH involved in his business allowed Pete to tap into the expertise of the coach and push the business into a new direction of growth. In a short space of 6-8 weeks, Pete noticed the shift in his mindset, a better structure for the business and clarity with his figures.

Pete Wharton, Managing Director, Wharton Natural

The most valuable thing I got from working with ActionCOACH is I am now a business owner, whereas I wasn't before. I was just running a business. Fiona Bates, managing director of The Printers.

Fiona Bates, Managing Director, The Printers

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