Success with ActionCOACH: Martin Lockyer's Journey with Westminster Financial Planning

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Success with ActionCOACH: Martin Liu's Journey with Westminster Financial Planning

Meet Westminster Financial Planning, a company that has achieved impressive business growth while staying true to its core values and ensuring balanced work-life harmony. Their journey with ActionCOACH reveals a story of transformation, from embracing foundational principles to fostering team development. Join us as we explore how they've built a thriving future in the financial planning industry by staying committed to their mission.

The Westminster Story: Foundational Values and Growth

Thirty-five years ago, Martin Lockyer didn’t just start a financial planning business; he built Westminster Financial Planning on a foundation of trust, integrity, and a commitment to building futures. Westminster is more than just numbers and portfolios; it's about creating lasting relationships based on core values that drive growth and client satisfaction.

Foundational Principles of a Financial Plan

Integrity, independence, and accountability are not just buzzwords at Westminster—they define the business. Martin founded Westminster with a strong belief in putting values first, a principle that guides every interaction with clients, staff, suppliers, and stakeholders. "Putting your values first... they drive everything: recruitment, how you go to market, how you treat your customers, suppliers, staff, and business partners," says Martin. This dedication to ethics has established Westminster as a beacon of trust and reliability in the financial planning industry.

Martin’s path wasn’t always easy. The financial planning world is competitive, and building a business takes more than technical knowledge; it needs a strong ethical foundation. Martin’s steadfast commitment to integrity meant that every decision was made with clients' best interests at heart. This approach earned Westminster a reputation for honesty and transparency, setting it apart in a crowded market.

Financial Planning Progress Through Coaching

Mentorship has played a crucial role in Martin's professional journey. When he partnered with his long-time friend, financial advisor, and coach, Luke, from ActionCOACH, Westminster’s growth soared. This partnership was about more than just scaling his financial situation—it was about turning his current finances and potential cash flow into tangible success.

Luke brought fresh ideas to Westminster, encouraging Martin to think creatively and embrace innovative strategies to increase his net worth and monthly cash flow. Together, they identified key areas for improvement and crafted a comprehensive growth plan. With Luke’s guidance, Martin refined his vision and aligned his team with the company’s long-term goals. This collaboration transformed Westminster into a thriving enterprise.

Team Building with ActionCOACH

Martin's intense focus on Westminster often left little time for team development. ActionCOACH stepped in and transformed a good team into a great one by nurturing leadership qualities and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

ActionCOACH’s unique methodology emphasizes investing in people. Customized training sessions empowered employees to take ownership of their roles and contribute to the company’s success. This shift in mindset created a cohesive and motivated team ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities, making Westminster’s workforce a key driver of its success.

Leadership Development & Financial Goals

ActionCOACH’s leadership sessions were game-changers. Martin and his team, especially Cat Dalrymple, Head of Development, embraced these sessions, which were packed with actionable insights and strategies. The result? A team prepared for today’s challenges and poised to seize tomorrow’s financial opportunities.

Cat flourished under ActionCOACH’s guidance, emerging as a dynamic leader. The leadership training equipped her with the skills to manage complex projects and drive innovation, enabling Westminster to confidently undertake ambitious initiatives.



Personalized Coaching to Create a Financial Plan

ActionCOACH offered a tailored approach, bringing in additional coaches to provide diverse perspectives and business insights specific to Westminster’s needs. This personalized coaching enabled the team to tackle challenges head-on and maximize their strengths, driving the business forward.

These tailored sessions addressed specific organizational pain points, offering practical solutions and strategic guidance. This level of personalization made a significant impact, optimizing operations and enhancing performance across the board.

Returning to Core Principles of the Financial Planning Process

Throughout its journey, Westminster never lost sight of its core principles. With ActionCOACH’s guidance, values of integrity, independence, and accountability were reinforced in every facet of the business. This commitment preserved Westminster’s reputation and ensured its identity remained steadfast. "Accountability means I do what I say to the best of my ability on time every time," Martin emphasizes.

By embedding these principles into the company’s DNA, Westminster ensured that every financial decision was rooted in a strong ethical foundation. This approach attracted like-minded clients and partners who valued trust and transparency.

A New Lease on Life: Achieving Work-Life Balance

Martin sought more than business growth—he craved balance. From grueling 100-hour work weeks, Martin aimed to scale back without sacrificing success. Thanks to ActionCOACH, he’s now working 70-80 hours per week with a long-term goal of reducing it to 50-60 hours. It’s about working smart and living well.

ActionCOACH introduced time management techniques and productivity tools that revolutionized Martin's workday. By prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities, Martin freed up time for personal pursuits and family, improving his quality of life and enhancing his leadership performance.

Make a Financial Plan for Sustainable Growth

Martin built a resilient team capable of sustaining Westminster’s growth through regular one-to-one meetings and focused leadership and management coaching. Despite challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, Westminster thrived thanks to robust strategies and unwavering support from ActionCOACH.

With strategies and support from ActionCOACH, Martin and his team confidently navigated uncertainties, adapting quickly and maintaining operations. This agility positioned Westminster for future growth in a post-pandemic world.


Future Budget Expansion and Business Evolution

Westminster has big plans. Their vision? To become the number one chartered independent financial planning firm in the UK. They’re expanding their property portfolio, aiming to boost income and the number of properties by 50% by 2027. With a solid team and a clear strategy, Martin is confident in reaching these ambitious goals.

The expansion plan involves diversifying their investment portfolio and exploring new markets. By leveraging their expertise and reputation, Westminster is poised to enter new territories and attract a broader client base.

Award-Winning Performance

Westminster’s excellence hasn’t gone unnoticed. They won the award for Best Service-based Business at BizX 2023 and the coveted CEO of the Year award at the 2024 BizX UK Conference, a testament to their dedication to outstanding service and relentless pursuit of innovation and expansion.

This accolade reflects the hard work and dedication of the entire Westminster team, validating their efforts and reinforcing their commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients.


Westminster Wealth Mgt Westminster Wealth Management won the coveted CEO of the Year award at the 2024 BizX UK Conference. 

The Coach's Perspective: Building Success and Trust

“It was clear early on how exceptional Martin is. Coaching at Westminster wasn’t about making drastic changes but subtle tweaks that took a good business to great. The team has grown, allowing Martin to focus on his priorities while trusting them with the rest. Our client-coach relationship has grown into a strong, trusting friendship.”

Luke recognized that Martin didn’t need a complete overhaul. He focused on fine-tuning existing processes and enhancing the team’s strengths, driving growth without disrupting core operations. The trust and friendship that developed between Martin and Luke highlighted the importance of mutual respect and collaboration in business coaching.

Transform Your Business and Life with Coaching

Inspired by Martin’s journey with Westminster Financial Planning? Achieve substantial business growth and a harmonious work-life balance. Start your coaching journey with ActionCOACH and unlock your full potential for growth and balance.

Embarking on a coaching journey with ActionCOACH is transformative. Leveraging seasoned coaches' expertise and insights, you can uncover new opportunities, overcome challenges, and succeed. Don’t wait to unlock your potential; take action today and build your future.


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